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The First Geek Test (1999)

The one that started it all.

The Geek Test, original party version (October 1999) .pdf file
(check back for file... I have to find the CD with my old hard drive data!)

This one was originally a Word document with little checkboxes. For the sake of translation into .pdf, I replaced them with two underscores. You get the idea. We handed a paper copy of the test to each person who came to our Geek Party on October 16, 1999. The scores were tallied manually. Wow, talk about Old School. You need Acrobat Reader to view this document. This version came about around the same time the Star Wars Episode I was released, so you could smell the geek in the air. The good kind, not the B.O. from programming for 24 hours straight kind.

There were 100 questions on this first test. Looking at it now, I shake my head... there was so much left out! I never realized that it would live this long or go this far in the world. I never realized that there were so many geeks out there, either!